Sunday, August 17, 2008

Happy Birthday, Back To School!

It's that time again, when fall semester will start up soon.

I'm always rushing right about now, trying to prepare everything I need to prepare to teach the new classes, making changes to the old classes, installing software on the computer labs, etc. I typically end up about a week ahead of my students in the new classes, although at busy times during the semester that sometimes drops to only a couple of days.

This year, classes start back on my birthday, August 25th. Not a great birthday present. I remember sometime in either elementary or middle school, when they'd been pushing the start of school back farther and farther into the summer, the first time that the first day of school fell on my birthday. I was pretty upset! To a little kid, that was the biggest disaster in the world!

I guess I've matured since then, because now it isn't a disaster, more a "It'd be nice if school started a week later" sort of thing.

Good luck to all of you who are starting back, too!


courtneyzink said...

Well HELLO there!
This is Courtney from CPSC100. I was just leaving you a comment to let you know that I am infact envious of you being in school on your brithday. Although you maybe failed to celebrate it, I am envious of you becuase I always wished that my August 3rd birthday fell somewhere during the school year so that I could have had a party at school with my friends. You are one lucky guy!

Shannon said...

I am so sorry that school started on your birthday. That's a huge bummer! Hope your birthday and first day of classes went well though!

Jay said...

Thanks, Courtney, that's a great way to look at it! And it's true, my wife and daughter did come in and have a mini-party for me during the day, which was a lot of fun.

Terrance said...

This is another one of your students! I guess Happy Belated Birthday, and what a birthday present having school start on your birthday. I really wasn't ready for summer to be over yet this year, but I guess whether I was ready or not doesn't matter. I will just have to look forward to fall break and hope to enjoy the classes I'm in.

SKB said...

Hello Jay, Another one of your students from your bright and early 8am computer science class wishes you a happy belated birthday!! Hopefully next year your birthday won’t be on the first day of classes. That’s a stinky birthday present! I still hope you had an enjoyable first day of classes and a nice birthday!

MelJoy said...

This is yet another one of your students from the lovely 8:00 CPSC100 class. I'm sorry to hear that your birthday was on the first day of class, but the birthday party your family had for you sounds fun! I hope there was cake involved!!

Anonymous said...

it is definantly that time of the year again but we all know that nobody wants it to be that time. I certainly don't want to be here at class but on the plus side, i have freedom, and there is so much to do here at Muskingum.